That rainy night!!

Rains, occasionally are a very pleasurable experience.  Especially with nothing important at hand, keeps you wanting for more.
That little breeze soothing the worst of the worst moods.
Those little memories from childhood where rain is a great opportunity to escape the studies, school.
Those weird games and dances in the rain with friends and siblings. Ah those times keep  refreshing the present and keeps you going.

These days we seldom see those instances of childhood madness. It only happens in water theme parks not on roads, roof tops.
Life has changed and keeps changing, bringing both good and bad.How do we give those experiences to the current gen kids.
How do we emotional connect them to those days of ours ? That's a whole different topic to ponder upon. Only when the learned starts unlearning the fear and competition.

So scene was further elevated by traffic light and light trailing from cars.It reminded me of my love to capture those moments.
Especially with low shutter speeds,the image would actually much more that what meets the eye.
That reflection of lights from the stagnant water on roads,was visually so compelling.

From the corner of my eye, I notice a group of friends under shelter enjoying the weather.Those moments are much more than treasure to any of us.
A feeling that's much more fulfilling than being cuddled in the riches.

Sooner, I returned to my senses from those cherished thoughts. And the challenge of going back , back to home.
So much to my thoughts that I spent a complete hour without realizing that I have to go back. Rain began to dose down, allowing me traverse back.
Few minutes later I reached home through the drizzle. Who would have thought that such drizzle would have given me fever.
But yes, the drizzle transcended into fever the next morning,which was boon in disguise.
It gave me much needed rest, especially after tiring weekend.

This is just a small thought, a memory in a form, which lead into knowing how an experience change from time to time.Its true when people say, the change is the only constant in our life.
And the hardest to accept.

Wishing better rainy days ahead.


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