Two mirrors of my life - Inner Peace

Being alone teaches you important things in your life, which you never want to forget. They are essentially a collation of all those thoughts taught into you from the beginning. Its only now that I realize the importance of certain principles, which are taught to us at a very early age.That's the premise of this thought.

Almost every other person stares into it with utmost attention, to notice the details of his/her physical being. Its a general opinion that women spend lots of time before it, but even men do. A typical example would be me, unless busy with other important stuff.

Why mirrors, it reflects light and thus us, but varies with change in many factors. Consider a improper light source, bad reflective material etc. Consider these variations affecting us ? Why , you ask me ? Because these variations cause imperfections in our physical being, which are not true to certain extent.  Well it happens and seldom do we realise it, as we are busy with other things going on in our life.

I realised why not make best use of it, to keep ourselves grounded or either boost morale. This might not make sense as such, but consider the opposites of nature, Good-Bad, Light- Dark, Yin-Yang. These variations are what makes us. These variations define our human nature. Now consider 2 mirrors, one shows the best/beautiful/handsome you and the other dull/dark you.

Well it came up to me that, I was actually doing something un-intentionally and once I realised, it made sense. My home or the place I stay has 2 mirrors. The first one portrays me more realistic and sometimes much worse, which translates to the Yin side. While the other one just reflects light on my best side, which translates to the Yang side. The routine, which is the source of this realisation is that, every morning when I look at the Yin mirror, I dont feel great, so I move to the other room for the Yang mirror.  Lets put this into the daily routine, not to assess your physical being, but assess your mental being.

The days of gloom, despair and frustration can make you go bonkers and thats when you take yang's help to restore balance in life. Just see better things and get ready to wipe the gloom off. The same goes with days when confidence turns over into Over-confidence. Your general sense takes a great ego hit or goes for a ego run, then is the time to take yin's help to look at your bad side, accept it and again return to normalcy.

What if we loose this balance ? What if we don't confide in our family or friends or at-least have a self-help mechanism ?  Utter Chaos !!

Well its just mirrors here, but we do have family and friends around us, who keep doing this day-in / day-out. Helping you and in turn helping themselves.  Any time in you life, you wonder how years are passing by without this mad world affecting the inner you, its them and beyond which you have objective things, which can come to life, with your thoughts relative to those.


Anusha said…
That was something interesting to read and ponder upon. :)

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