Bangalore to Hyderabad in 250 Rupees

This was one of a kind experience I have been through. It occurred when I was travelling from bangalore to hyderabad.

It all started at 9 PM, when I went to board the bus. It was multi-axle bus, from orange travels, which I prefer mostly because of the convenient pick-up and drop points. It was all good and bus came on time. Sat down reading a book on my phone, which is about a translator working in white house. Gradually the bus began to fill to the fullest, as it happens on weekends. With IT blooming, many equations between cities have changed.

The particular equation I am talking about is the movement of people between the cities, some to see their loved ones and others their better half and last few for weekend fun trips. So coming back to the point, I noticed snacks tucked in-front of my seat,which I began crunching and later went into a little bit of sleep.

The journey was smooth, we were on Hebbal flyover and the bus was speeding and breaking alternatively, which woke me up. I started to peep through wind-shield which was few feet away. And then it happened, I couldn't believe it happened, but the bus went crashing into a truck on the fly over. The crash wasn't major as no one was hurt except the bus driver who was struck between the wheel.

Initial thoughts were about how it happened and later it moved towards getting down from the bus, as the bus front door was crushed too. Few people started shouting out loud, that's when I realised that the driver was stuck and there was nothing we could do to pull him out. Slowly we exited using the emergency exit and stranded in the mid flyover, only to know that there is no alternative available from the transport guys.

It was 11:50 PM, when the driver was slowly moved out of the Jam and later to hospital along with few other people who sustained minor injuries. Now the later problem started, that is going to hyderabad, which was absolutely necessary because of some personal commitments.

So finally the only option was to board already full buses. Considering that the one we boarded was sleeper, we had place to sit and even to sleep, but on the ground. So that's how the journey started, with few already occupied passengers cooperating and others not. The whole travel was horrible and the worst experience.

Things could have been better if the guys had a spare bus, which is to be used during such emergencies. Another major blunder was parking a major truck on the flyover, even in worst case it was broken, should have been towed asap. At the end it was good that nobody was hurt, but it was one hell of an experience.
The police were cooperative in getting the transport guy to ensure the passengers safety, later stopped traffic for a brief period.

There was a moment in midst of all this chaos, that led me thinking about life.

The travel charges were later refunded, so that has gone into the title of this post.


Unknown said…
Good that all were safe...
Unknown said…
An xperience u ll nvr forget in ur life... :)
Naren said…
Yes. true man..

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