
Showing posts from June, 2015

Bangalore to Hyderabad in 250 Rupees

This was one of a kind experience I have been through. It occurred when I was travelling from bangalore to hyderabad. It all started at 9 PM, when I went to board the bus. It was multi-axle bus, from orange travels, which I prefer mostly because of the convenient pick-up and drop points. It was all good and bus came on time. Sat down reading a book on my phone, which is about a translator working in white house. Gradually the bus began to fill to the fullest, as it happens on weekends. With IT blooming, many equations between cities have changed. The particular equation I am talking about is the movement of people between the cities, some to see their loved ones and others their better half and last few for weekend fun trips. So coming back to the point, I noticed snacks tucked in-front of my seat,which I began crunching and later went into a little bit of sleep. The journey was smooth, we were on Hebbal flyover and the bus was speeding and breaking alternatively, which woke me u

Two mirrors of my life - Inner Peace

Being alone teaches you important things in your life, which you never want to forget. They are essentially a collation of all those thoughts taught into you from the beginning. Its only now that I realize the importance of certain principles, which are taught to us at a very early age.That's the premise of this thought. Almost every other person stares into it with utmost attention, to notice the details of his/her physical being. Its a general opinion that women spend lots of time before it, but even men do. A typical example would be me, unless busy with other important stuff. Why mirrors, it reflects light and thus us, but varies with change in many factors. Consider a improper light source, bad reflective material etc. Consider these variations affecting us ? Why , you ask me ? Because these variations cause imperfections in our physical being, which are not true to certain extent.  Well it happens and seldom do we realise it, as we are busy with other things going on in