The Art behind the Sport called Skating !!

Its becoming more popular in india and recently celebrated 52nd National Games in Mumbai. Well a lot can be talked about the sport, the hard work that goes with it. The kind of commitment shown by Parents, Kids, Coaches , organizers etc, the list goes on. I had first hand experience on what goes behind the scene.

When i say behind the scene, i would like

emphasize the effort put into getting the gear ready. The gear includes a variety of tools and equipment. Starting with as basic as laces, shoes, skates frame, wheels, bearing, bearing oil, cleaning liquids, and many more.

With such gear comes a lot of maintenance. Which has to be done to keep the speeds and performance of the skater at optimum levels. Failing to clean them impacts the speed by a fraction of second and that's fatal in races. We can recall one of those saying when people use to remind us the importance of time. Ask a athlete the importance of second or micro second, the same goes with skaters too.

Well Maintenance is just a start and the most basic need. The later part is the most difficult. That is traversing between the rinks and roads for practise. Juggling school, exams, homework with Practise.The lifestyle of these families are as busy as they look. If both the parents are working then the state of the mind of that family is doused in craziness.

So much effort and if the kid dont have that seriousness to win the game ? Well most kids are too young to be competitive and go against the odds to win the game. Its so sad to see all these activities draining away their play time. The best time of their life, where they lead with no real problems, or thoughts that occupy their mind, except to find a reason to bunk school or get extra play time or convincing parents to buy them toys.

But as they grow up in that environment , they began to understand, mature way faster than the kids who are not in those circuits. They make a lot of friends from across the nation. My kids i was with has friends from Bangalore, Chennai and some city from north All these kids meet at these sport events.

Coming to the actual events, the area would generally be covered with lots of emotions. Some competitive, some jealous, some anger, some sadness, some pain, some happiness and it goes on. The list is never ending. Its always a pain to see kids crying when they lose events, when they are hurt during the game, when they are pulled away from friends , when they miss the first spot by few micro seconds. But the main thing about sports is the positive mood that's set. It just sweeps you away. All your thoughts, life changing decisions seems much cleared when surrounded in such atmosphere.

Those enthralling and scintillating moments of realization of certain key aspects of life has brought me closure to reality and settled my confusion induced thoughts. May its just me who realised so much in such short time, because i wasn't, emotionally much invested in that sport or the kids who were participating. Though from the depths of my mind and heart i rooted for the one crazy being. Coming back to the point, as i wasn't so invested, i got a better look at the  overall mood of such events.

Downside as always there are, some people or parents not just wish their kids win, but secretly wish others lose. Few coaches are more demeaning and demanding than necessary. The politics of the event occupies you completely, if not distance yourself from it at earlier stages. And few want their kids to win, just to secure a seat in those competitive exams and even this list goes on..Never Ending !!

But there is so much in the world that goes unnoticed, if you wont have that keen eye. So keep your eyes open and see the world in a new Dimension every moment you breath.

Peace !!



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