Its becoming more popular in india and recently celebrated 52nd National Games in Mumbai. Well a lot can be talked about the sport, the hard work that goes with it. The kind of commitment shown by Parents, Kids, Coaches , organizers etc, the list goes on. I had first hand experience on what goes behind the scene. When i say behind the scene, i would like emphasize the effort put into getting the gear ready. The gear includes a variety of tools and equipment. Starting with as basic as laces, shoes, skates frame, wheels, bearing, bearing oil, cleaning liquids, and many more. With such gear comes a lot of maintenance. Which has to be done to keep the speeds and performance of the skater at optimum levels. Failing to clean them impacts the speed by a fraction of second and that's fatal in races. We can recall one of those saying when people use to remind us the importance of time. Ask a athlete the importance of second or micro second, the same goes with skaters too. ...