Online Frenzy

Online shopping has caught up well in india, with whole nation of a billion going frenzy over online deals, it has become much of a routine for every other person who interacts with digital age devices and with whole lot of bandwidth to consume the sales and products available. It feels so good looking at the product and the feeling that you can own it with just few clicks and that too at your door step is way beyond the actual shopping experience, where you invest loads of time, running around, bargaining, looking at deals.  And all those who are into this belief need to have a serious look at the alter effects of Online shopping. Alter effects which i am referred to are definitely the bad ones.

Lets start with the experience, On-line experience is mostly good,when we are shopping at some good retailer who put customer service ahead of rest of the stuff. but again we as customers are getting that experience, but never do we think about people who are putting odd hours at work,just to make an ontime delivery. Sometimes the condition are much worst,where the shifts continues for 16 hours at a stretch. This is something we have to ponder over, next time we try to buy something online.

While if the experience is bad, or the product is not delivered on time, that puts us into a trance state. And that state increases exponentially when the money involved is more, and much worse if we are unsure of the delivery status of the product. This affects us is many ways which we fail to see, unless we do some introspection. With internet access almost everywhere, we are tempted to check for the product status during meetings,breaks, lunch, work hours, and even when we are about to sleep. And sometime when we want to check and cant,we grow frustrated about it.

Then comes other parts due to this great market place model. There are sellers who are ready to sell thirdgrade products and refuse to do return money on refusing the product. Even though the website promises 100 refunds, the seller creates some or the other issues and drag it for a week or even 2. This requires a lot of follow up.

There are these weird terms and conditions which change randomly, sometimes the same product is listed more than once and with different prices. Choosing the product based on the price is a  choice we make and sometimes are certain about the decision and other times we just worry if these are inferior products. And now terms and conditions add much to this experience , which is felt through the pre and post era of the purchase. Pre because of the kind of product we receive and anxiety,excitement mixed with worries about the quality of the product. Next the post experience on when the product might develop a defect, and is that product under a valid warranty, if yes how long.
Will the website replace the product in case it fails or just sends a refurbished one,returned by another user like me. And its not over yet, we tend to check the price of the same product again and again, reasons being the website tracking system which shows product we might like when we visit that website of some other reason and sometime we tend to go and feel good about the deal we got. If there is best deal available which you have not used, further degrades the shopping experience and all the feel good factor is lost.

Most of the time we end up buying products which we don't need or some products which we buy are not upto the mark. The total waste of money, time and mental energy spent through drags you down, into the deepest of the concerns.

Then there comes the boasting part of the deal, where we boast about the best deals we got and most of the savings we have done. But none realises the purchases made and which doesnt have a real world necessity in our lifes.  And at the end its all in the mindset.

So end of the day its all the same !! Online gives us some best deals and there are few websites which gives us real headache and a trip to shrink.

To conclude online craze has over took the social media experience and for online shopping has overtook everything else. There are articles online giving you the reports of the best deals and so much hoopla around it. Love it or hate it, but its here to stay.

With drones amazon is going places !!


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