"HYDERA" made "BAD"

Festive season,,,,,GANeSHA please save hyderabad from all the POLLUTION people make on ur NAME,,,,,,did any of u realize what happens in the future when we do a lot damage to the ecosystem......
here I AM in HYderabad Witnessing all the shit and crap that people are trying to do on the name of lord vinayaka...
I have seen people putting a large ganesha in a community long time back,,,but now everything changed,,,every street and every turn have a large vinayaka placed,,,and people gather money from the people...thes days they are sending children to collect money, because people tend to give money to children rather than adults,,,,there are various things we can witness due to this mishaps people tend to do,,but no one raises againt all these odds,..,.,
FOR example, there is a four road cross infront my sis home,and if u stand i the middle and see u can find 4 ganeshas large idols placed on four roads,,where only one is needed for people to come and pray................
there are various ill effects of these,,and people can even make good out of these festival,,
FOR example
case study: 1. we need to bring ganesha from shop and for large ganeshas we need minitrucks to cary them all the way from shop to the area of establisment ,,,and then again for carrying it back to the sea or lake and disposing it,,,so we have lots of fuel wasted for this cause and by putting one ganesha instead of 4 on a cross section we can reduce the waste by 3 times,,
thus 1. we save the fuel
2. we reduce the pollution by vehicles and by the idol when imersed in sea.
3. traffic jams.
case 2..
BY putting one idol for a lrge community,we can have good relations with everybody in the society,,,,there by development to underdeveloped part of community etc...
case 3...
we can collect money and use it for good sake like helping the poor,,and donating to oldage homes,..
instead of buying more ganeshas for the same community , we can just have one and more we can reduce the amount of fuel we buy or sometimes use it to make the festival more grand,,etc
WE should buy ganeshas made of pure clay rather than plaster of paris
PEOPLE can think abt it ,.,., we can change the world from destruction and save it for our future generations,.,.,.,.,
U miGHT be having a doubt,,this guy is telling so much what is he really going to do?
we made a ganesha made of clay ourselfs and did puja for the very same idol and like vise we saved the cost of fuel,less or nil polluting the environment,,,,so WHAT r u going TODO


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